Exploring the Undisclosed Meanings of Time, History, and Existence: Ricœur and Patočka as Philosophical Interlocutors: Introduction by the Editors
Journal: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy
ISSN: 2067-3655
Year of Publication: 2017
Issue: Vol. IX, No. 2
Title: Exploring the Undisclosed Meanings of Time, History, and Existence: Ricœur and Patočka as Philosophical Interlocutors: Introduction by the Editors
Pages: 379-383
Author: Ludger Hagedorn, Paul Marinescu
Author Affiliation: IWM – Institute for Human Sciences, ICUB – The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest
Address: Ludger Hagedorn
Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
Spittelauer Lände 3
A-1090 Vienna / Austria
Paul Marinescu
The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest
1 Dimitrie Brandza St., RO-060102, Bucharest, Romania
Email: hagedorn@iwm.at, paul.marinescu@phenomenology.ro
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