“The Perfect Storm”: A Conversation with Nancy Fraser about Capitalism, Feminism and the Pandemic
Journal: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy
ISSN: 2067-3655
Year of Publication: 2022
Issue: Vol. XIV, No. 1
Title: “The Perfect Storm”: A Conversation with Nancy Fraser about Capitalism, Feminism and the Pandemic
Pages: 273-297
Author: Nancy Fraser and Stefano Marino, Anna Preti, Francesca Todeschini, Rolando Vitali, Alessandro Volpi
Author Affiliation: The New School for Social Research, New York
Address: Nancy Fraser
The New School for Social Research, New York
D - 6 East 16th Street, New York, U.S.A.
E-mail: frasern@newschool.edu
Author Affiliation: University of Bologna
Address: Stefano Marino
Department of the Arts (DAR)
University of Bologna
Via Barberia 4, Bologna, Italy
E-mail: stefano.marino4@unibo.it
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